Calder Healthcare offer high quality, bespoke x-ray protective screens manufactured from BS EN 12588 sheet lead which is supported both sides in a ply-lead-ply sandwich. All joints are fully protected from x-ray exposure. A protective lead glass window can be incorporated in the screen but must contain the same lead shielding equivalence. Generally, the protective window is either lead glass (nominal thickness 6 mm, 1.5 mm lead equivalence) or lead acrylic (1.0 mm lead equivalence at 100 kVp).
As well as fixed protective screens Calder also offer bespoke mobile screens.
The BS EN 12588 sheet lead is supported both sides in a steel-lead-steel framed sandwich and is mounted on free running, locking and anti - static casters to offer easy maneuverability around the x-ray department. As with our fixed screens, a protective lead glass or lead acrylic window, to the same lead shielding equivalence can be incorporated in the screen to enable the x-ray technician to observe the patient during the procedure.
Calder’s lead screens are available in a range of sizes, lead thicknesses and finishes to meet the customer’s requirements.
Due to its excellent shielding properties lead is often used to shield specific rooms in healthcare facilities. Lead lined rooms are necessary in radiotherapy and radiology departments to protect staff and patients from the effects of radiation.
Lead has a higher density than concrete and steel and therefore is ideal where space is at a premium. For 1 unit thickness of lead lining the equivalent is approximately 2.5 units of thickness of steel and 6 units of thickness of concrete, to achieve the same levels of radiation protection. Also, unlike steel and concrete shielding, lead lined rooms can be quickly and cleanly assembled and disassembled and maintain a high residual resale value.
It can be bonded to plasterboard or plywood depending on weight and then attached to shielded batons on the walls of rooms, where lower radiation levels are involved, such as dental surgeries, x-ray suites and CT scanner rooms. These types of rooms usually incorporate lead lined doors and lead glass observation windows as well.
Calder Healthcare work closely with the healthcare sector to create bespoke lead shielding for pipe-work in hospitals, surgeries and medical facilities.
Calder’s in-house facilities enable us to manufacture bespoke lead shielding tailored individually for each project. Each segment of pipe shielding has specially profiled mating faces to prevent shine paths. Once joined together on site, the segments produce a complete radiation barrier around active pipe runs.