Calder healthcare


The shielding integrity of any lead lined room or bunker will be compromised, unless its entry points are suitably shielded as well.

Calder Healthcare make, supply and install a range of powered and manually operated radiation shielded lead lined doors specifically for radiotherapy and radiology applications.

Our range of lead lined doors can be hinged, sliding or automatic. They are custom made to fit any size of structural opening and meet the safety and functionality requirements of x-ray suites, cath labs, gamma camera, angiography, fluoroscopy and CT scanner rooms. They can be powered either electrically or pneumatically.

The lead thickness and decorative finish of the doors are specifically tailored to meet customer’s needs. If required, lead glass viewing windows or panels can be incorporated.

All our lead lined doors can be supplied complete with shielded frames and architraves, for guaranteed protection against radiation leakage or penetration. Doors can also be supplied in a range of finishes to suit your building scheme. They are available in paint grade, real wood veneer or plastic laminate finish. The lead core hardwood frames are available in ash, beech, walnut, maple, mahogany, oak, koto or sapele and complete the shielding integrity of the intersection of the wall and the door.

We can design remotely using either your existing building or aperture drawings in Auto-Cad or 3D Solid Works or arrange for a personal consultation with one of our specialist designers.